GRM Library (stable version):

In the frame of my Ph.D., I decide to develop the Large Scale Region-Merging library. The goal of this library is to segment large satellite images which do not fit in the main memory. The library is still in development and may contain some bugs. Do not hesitate to try it for your own research and send me feedback about how we can improve it. Currently this library has been tested successfully for the segmentation of Pléiades scenes.

LSRM Library: (Beta version may contain some bugs)

In the frame of my Ph.D., I decide to develop the Large Scale Region-Merging library. The goal of this library is to segment large satellite images which do not fit in the main memory. The library is still in development and may contain some bugs. Do not hesitate to try it for your own research and send me feedback about how we can improve it. Currently this library has been tested successfully for the segmentation of Pléiades scenes.